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As a small business, Dan's Dinosaurs relies on the support of a talented and highly educated community. I encourage every visitor to contact me personally, and to visit these sites to stay in close touch. In addition to exciting new product announcements, you will be treated to a variety of bonus content, including stunning paleoart, the latest scientific discoveries, charitable auctions, and informational videos that just might teach you something new.

Thank you!

- Dan

Facebook - New Releases, Announcements, and Paleoart Spotlights

YouTube Channel - Model Reviews, Behind the Scenes, and Retrospectives

Please note the "Contact" page allows us to respond more quickly than most social media sites



"It started after those awful Jurassic Park movies, when everybody decided to have a dinosaur in their living room. People now think that if they find a toe bone, they should get enormous amounts of money for it."

- Hans Sues
Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology
National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution
Business Insider Video Interview, May 1, 2022