"Beasts of the Mesozoic" was launched in 2017 by renowned sculptor David Silva of Creativebeast Studio. This crowdfunded project featured highly detailed and fully articulated models. The line is uniquely focused on combining scientific accuracy, interactive poseability, and striking visual aesthetic. The series further expanded in 2024, with the launch of the Beasts of the Cyberzoic series, featuring creatures both familiar and new in a science fiction setting.
Includes (1) Cyberzoic 1/18th scale Kuraokami – Arctic Dragon action figure. Figure measures a massive 31″ long by 10.5″ tall and features 34 points of articulation, translucent wings and fins, specially designed neck and chest for additional movement. Featuring package art by Raul Ramos.
34 Points of Articulation
1:18 Scale
Length: 31"
ETA Q2 2025