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Maiasaura with Nest by Carnegie


This model was introduced in 1996 and discontinued in 2015.

The Maiasaura, or "good mother lizard", has been a cornerstone of the argument for dinosaur parenting behavior for many years, with the help of prominent paleontologist Jack Horner.  While primitive reptiles may abandon their young to fend from themselves, dinosaurs such as the Maiasaura provide evidence that these animals actively nurtured and cared for their young.  The original Maiasaura figure released in 1989 depicted the parent sitting on a nest, which recent studies have suggested to be impossible; the animal's tremendous tonnage would have crushed the fragile eggs.  Instead, parental hadrosaurs likely insulated their nests with a variety of materials such as leaves, branches, and soil.  This set contains both the adult Maiasaura and her nest of hatchlings.